At night in a park, Russian assassin Egor attacks a zombie by using a briefcase filled with cash that he grabs near Tom Tanaka. After the briefcase breaks, an enraged Shizuo Heiwajima uses a park bench as a baseball bat to launch Egor and the zombie out of the park. In the newly updated online chat room, Celty tells her friends that she lost her paycheck, prompting Izaya to send the group a link to a video of Max announcing that he will give ten million yen to anyone who reveals the identity of the Headless Rider. When Shinra returns to his apartment, he is sucked into Celty's depressing shadow cocoon, where Celty explains her current predicament. However, Celty leaves Shinra in the shadow cocoon when she receives a call for a job. Two days ago, Raira Academy has an opening ceremony, where Aoba Kuronuma approaches Mikado at the end of class. Aoba mentions that he is a member of the Dollars, suspecting that Mikado is one of the leaders. In a karaoke bar, Mikado and Anri ask Walker Yumasaki and Erika Karisawa to help give Aoba a tour of Ikebukuro. Anri then walks past Egor, and he is unwittingly cut by her demon blade Saika. Shingen tells Anri that he knows about Saika, giving his business card to her before she leaves. At Raira Academy, Mairu Orihara and Kururi Orihara are each bullied when their desks are vandalized with graffiti by Tsukiyama and her friends. While Mairu confronts Tsukiyama's friends, Aoba rats out Tsukiyama to the teacher. This leads Tsukiyama and her friends to interrogate Aoba after school, but Tsukiyama's bag catches on fire. Mairu later reveals to Aoba that Kururi put paint thinner in Tsukiyama's bag. To show their thanks and appreciation, Mairu and Kururi each proceed to kiss Aoba. Shortly after Shizuo sends Egor flying out of the park, Mairu and Kururi find Celty's paycheck under a parked car and encounter Egor in critical condition. Egor requests for them to take him to the restaurant Russia Sushi.